We are a global humanitarian organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering. Established in 1984 by volunteer doctors and nurses, we are a nonprofit with no political or religious affiliation and have more than 7,200 staff members around the world, more than 90% of whom are local. Our mission is to improve the quality of life through health interventions and related activities that strengthen underserved communities worldwide. With the flexibility to respond rapidly to emergencies we offer medical services and training to people at the highest risk, always working to strengthen local healthcare systems and promote self-reliance.
Global Humanitarian First Responder, Health Services Support, Mental Health & Psychosocial Support, Women and Children Health & Protection, WASH, Nutrition and Food Security & Capacity Building
Date of Joining:
Head quarters:
United States
Contact details in Dubai:
International Medical Corps
BC10, 3rd Floor Building 1, International Humanitarian City,
Dubai, UAE
Manager: Ons Al Khadra
Email: okhadra@internationalmedicalcorps.org
Phone: +962 7 9119 7475
BC10, 3rd Floor Building 1, International Humanitarian City,
Dubai, UAE
Manager: Ons Al Khadra
Email: okhadra@internationalmedicalcorps.org
Phone: +962 7 9119 7475