Turkey earthquake

Turkey earthquake

The first two flights in our humanitarian airlift for the victims of eastern Turkey’s devastating earthquake arrived in Erzurum on Saturday evening and Sunday morning, bringing 1,000 tents and 20,000 blankets. During the offloading of the second flight in Erzurum…

 UNHCR Briefing Notes

UNHCR Briefing Notes

1 – UNHCR launches emergency airlift to eastern Turkey In response to the Turkish Red Crescent’s appeal for help on Tuesday, the first of four UNHCR humanitarian flights for the victims of the devastating earthquake in eastern Turkey is scheduled…

 11 Myths About Global Hunger

11 Myths About Global Hunger

There isn”t enough food to feed the world, most of the world’s hungry live in Africa, and it’s mostly a question of droughts and other natural disasters. All of these statements are wrong. But they reflect a common set of…

 Refugee Award ceremony in Geneva

Refugee Award ceremony in Geneva

UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres and UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie presented the founder of Yemen’s Society for Humanitarian Solidarity with the 2011 Nansen Refugee Award at a ceremony on Monday evening in Geneva. The prize – the…

 World Humanitarian Day 2011

World Humanitarian Day 2011

On the occasion of World Humanitarian Day 2011, the United Nations IRIN News Service/OCHA, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), in association with the International Humanitarian City in Dubai (IHC)…