Dubai Humanitarian Scholarship
Dubai Humanitarian and UOWD annual scholarship in the Master of International Relations
The University of Wollongong Dubai (UOWD) in cooperation with Dubai Humanitarian offers an annual scholarship in the Master of International Relations (MIR) to one (1) student in the Master of at the University of Wollongong in Dubai.
Application Conditions
- The student must have completed her/his BA by August of the academic year. S/he has to meet the other academic and admission criteria relevant to their MIR programme.
- Outstanding students in a UAE BA of International Relations or International Studies (GPA> 3.00) can apply.
Selection Process
The candidate submits an application with 3 documents:
- A cover letter;
- A short resume;
- A 2,000-word project related to the UAE International Cooperation
The application is sent to the Director of the MIR between May 1-31 (for an enrollment in September of the same year).
The applications are forwarded to Dubai Humanitarian, which classifies them in order of merit (from 1 onwards) by July 1st.
The selected candidate is informed (as are the second and the third, who are on the waiting list). S/he accepts the offer by July 31. If the selected candidate refuses, the next candidate on the waiting list is offered the scholarship.
With a letter of acceptance, the laureate joins his/her (temporary or not) BA transcript.
Eligibility Criteria
- The laureate should enroll in two or three MIR subjects (whether s/he is working or not).
- The laureate needs to start their studies during the term specified in their offer of Admission. Should a student decide to defer his/her admission, s/he will need to reapply for the scholarship.
Scholarship Entitlements
- A Scholarship will cover the tuition fees each semester, for the duration of the degree program, so long as the student meets the required academic standards (at least D. grades >75%).
- The scholarship does not include textbooks, excursions, accommodation, living expenses or any other costs involved in undertaking study.
- The scholarship is not transferable to the University of Wollongong (UOW), Australia.
Review of Scholarships
- The scholarship is awarded at the commencement of the academic year (Autumn) and reviewed in Autumn of the following year.
- Specific minimum levels of academic performance must be achieved in order to remain eligible for the Scholarship. The student must maintain a cumulative Weighted Average Mark (WAM) of ≥75. She/he should not receive “Fail” (F or TF) grades.
- If a scholarship holder has no fail grades but fails to meet the minimum WAM requirement for the scholarship, the amount of the scholarship will be reduced from 100% to 50; 50% to 25%, 25% to 0% as the case applies.
Leave of Absence
Students seeking a ‘Leave of Absence’ from study whilst in receipt of a scholarship, must apply prior to taking leave.
Scholarship Committee
- The Dean of School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Health (SHSSH), the Director of the MIR and a representative of Dubai Humanitarian form the Scholarship Committee.
- The SHSSH is responsible for determining scholarships in accordance with the relevant eligibility criteria. It reviews annually the scholarship and can be any academic or disciplinary matters.
- In all cases the decisions taken by the Scholarship Committee are final and students do not have the right to appeal.
Apply Now!
Submit your application consisting of these 3 documents:
- A cover letter;
- A short resume;
- A 2,000-word project related to the UAE International Cooperation
To the email address:
Dealine: June 1
Previous Laureates